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studio huma

emmy laura pérez fjalland / ph.d. in human geography and planning studies 
ugebrevet Jordbo

studio huma

studio huma is my research-led artistic practice, and was initiated in 2019 as I had just finished my PhD. studio huma works with writing, teaching, curating, and consulting.

studio huma emerge from a ‘curious practice’ of geography and critical ecological thinking.

studio huma works with environmental storytelling and landscaping practices within the fields of urban natures, cultural landscapes, and food production.

studio huma brings attention to more-than-human world-making, ecosocial landscaping and place imaginaries – mostly over long timespans.  

studio huma is deeply interested in 1) how humans are – and have been – interacting with the natural and social environments they live on, in, with, and along, 2) in heritage landscapes and environmental futures, and 3) the cultural significance of working with ecological transformation within the fields of landscape architecture and planning.  

To research and understand a place, site or landscape, studio huma make use of etnography, fieldwork, mapping- and archive-techniques as well as collaborative methods and methodologies of the body.

studio huma has collaborated with farmers, herders, chefs, foresters, gardeners, artists, artisans, musicians, audio makers, architects, designers, planners, archaeologists, biologists, geologists as well as municipalities, libraries, media houses, and cultural institutions.


In 2023 and 2024 studio huma was engaged with Anthropogenic Heathlands, a research project at Aarhus University, the association Får til kanten and Lystbækgård (herders in Jutland, collaborating since 2021), the media Føljeton (Jordbo, since late 2019) and Dagbladet Information (Almanak, 2023). Emmy Laura was ‘artist in residency’ in Sorø Libraries, and she is connected to the curatorial platform-project Hosting Lands led by Laboratory for Aesthetics & Ecology (2022-2023). studio huma has advised and co-written signs and routes in the forests of Skanderborg Municipality, consultet, curated and writen a book about the garden Sct. Hans Have in Roskilde, and co-curated an exhibition engegement program at Sophienholm Kunsthal in Kgs Lyngby.   

In 2025, studio huma will be engaged with Esrum Kloster & Møllegård to map 900-years of landscape practices and different relations between humans and nature, and with Munkeruphus in relation to an exhibition with photographer Kirsten Klein. Furthermore Emmy Laura will conduct a three-year postdoctoral research project, Co-curating Topographic Imaginaries, with Fuglsang Art Museum at Lolland (DK) and in relation to Section for Landscape Architecture & Planning at Copenhagen University.  

On top of these larger engagements, Emmy Laura gives lectures, talks, readings and walks (see ‘talks and teaching’), and contribute with written pieces (see publications’).