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studio huma

emmy laura pérez fjalland / ph.d. in human geography and planning studies


My name is Emmy Laura Pérez Fjalland. I was born in 1987 in Bogotá (Colombia), I grew up in Denmark and am based in Copenhagen. My mother has lived in the southern parts of Spain for more than 15 years, and therefore this is also a place that I am closely connected to.

I am significantly interested in heritage landscapes and environmental futures, and the cultural significance of working with environmental transformation within the fields of landscape architecture and planning (see projects below the pictures on this site). I hold a ph.d in human geography and plannings studies, and currently work as a writer, consultant, curator, and independent researcher. I am deeply engaged in working with landscaping practices, ecological thinking, and environmental storytelling.

New Carlsberg Foundation, postdoctoral project ‘Co-curating Topographic Imaginaries’ at Fuglsang Art Museum and Copenhagen University, Section for Landscape Architecture and Planning (2025-2028). 
The Danish Arts Foundation’s architecture project grant (2025)
The Danish Arts Foundation’s architecture working grant (2024)
The Danish Arts Foundation’s architecture working grant (2023)
A project grant from DREYERS foundation (2022)
A resarch project grant from CoroLab (2021)
A PhD research scholarship with means partly from the foundation Realdania through The Danish Architecture Centre, partly from Roskilde University (2014-2019).

recent press
Anmeldelse, Spis en kartoffelmad, plant et æbletræ, Marie Nee Feldskov Hansen, Standard Litteraturmagasin. 
Anmeldelse, Tænketank..., Stina Vrang Elias, Berlingske Tidenden, link.
Interview, Gå ud, og tag en solslurk, Jes Stein Pedersen, Bogfolk - Politiken, link.
Interview, En almanak til en overgangstid, Informations Forsamlingshus, link
Anbefaling, Kulturanbefalinger, Anna Raaby Ravn, Weekendavisen - link.
Anmeldelse, Intim med naturen, Kim Skotte, Politiken - link.
Interview, En lyrisk stedslære, Dreyers Fond - link.
Interview, Repairing the City, Testing Grounds / NAARCA – Art Hub Copenhagen -link.
Interview, Tørt land, Genstart, DR – link.
Interview, Gæstebud, Føljeton - link.
Interview, Salsakongen, Caritas – link.
Interview, Opmærksomhedens kunstarter, Tidsskriftet LANDSKAB, link.
Interview, Green Conversations, Frama - link

I have a background in working interdisciplinary with humanities crossing philosophy, history, media, material culture and cultural studies. I have a Master of Arts (2013) and PhD (2019) in human geography and planning studies. My research is mainly based in working with ethnographic, collaborative and situated methodologies of geography and landscaping. Adressing the environmental issues is at the center of my working, and with a basis in place and landscape, my main research areas focus on I) care, coexistence, reparation, II) stories and environmental storytelling, III) mobilities, movements, migrations.

Since defending my PhD in 2019, I have been given the opportunity to partly continue my research as a postdoctoral fellow and develop my teaching skills, partly experiment with practice-based research about landscaping and storytelling within studio huma – among other co-created the letter-platform Jordbo together with Føljeton (2020-) and wrote a weekly essay in Dagbladet Information in 2023. I have published in Daniah and international journals, magazines, and anthologies.  

I have been associated with Roskilde University (Dept. of People & Technology, DK), Royal Danish Academy of Architecture (Institute for Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape, DK), Aarhus University (Department for Cultural Studies and Archaeology, DK), and University of Copenhagen (Section for Landscape Architecture and Planning, DK).

I have worked as resarch assistant at Gehl Architects, researcher and project manager at The Danish Architecture Centre, and as senior consultant at Carlberg/Christensen.

previous research projects

Uses of the past in present day herding. Subproject to the research project ‘Anthropogenic Heathlands’ led by archaeologist Mette Løvschal (Aarhus University, 2021-2022).

Regenerative Farming Practices - Reading the Field. How regenerative farmers describe and practice ‘regeneration’, how they organise, and what they try to make visible with their work. Together with Jonas Egmose (Roskilde University, 2022).  

Seaweed-Cultures: Locally grown, foraged, and processed. Project about seaweed and foraging in a coastal community in Guldborgsund, Denmark, together with Thomas Theis Nielsen (Roskilde University, 2022).

Planetary Concerns - Ecological Cultures. Focus on mediated and artbased practices, a collaboration with associate professor in performance design Kristine Samson (Roskilde University, 2019-2020).

The Great Pantry. Subproject conducted under the project ‘Circular Economy in Region Zealand’ focused on bioeconomy, together with Thomas Budde Christensen (Roskilde University, 2019). 

Strategic Sustainable Urban Planning and Development. Project at Royal Architectural School of Architecture in collaboration with Gustavo Ribeiro (2020). 

Socioecological Landscaping– Agricultural reparative practices as landscaping (Royal Danish Academy – Architecture, 2020).  

Rebellious Waste & Food: Searching for Reparative Futures within urban-rural landscapes. Co-financed PhD-scholarship by Roskilde University and Danish Architecture Centre with means from Realdania (2014-2019).

member of networks, groups, jurys, boards

2021 / Member of Art Hub’s ‘Jury’, sustainability expert, in relation to the programme ‘Repairing the Present’ (2021-2022) is a project under S+T+ARTS, an initiative funded by the European Union and aimed at connecting science, technology, and the arts.

2021-2022 / Member of Art Hub’s ‘Local Expert Group’, sustainability expert, in relation to the programme ‘Repairing the Present’ (2021-2022) is a project under S+T+ARTS network, an initiative funded by the European Union and aimed at connecting science, technology, and the arts. 

2016-2020 / Board member of the international Cosmobilties Research Network.